$599,900 - 3 BD/2 BA
101-Rio Arriba/Other - Active
Sqft: 2445 - Acres: 18.68
$875,000 - 3 BD/2 BA
26-SE of City Limit - Active
Sqft: 3124 - Acres: 3.94
$670,000 - 3 BD/2 BA
4S-SF City Limit SWS - Active
Sqft: 2036 - Acres: 0.22
$300,000 - 3 BD/2 BA
20-Albuquerque - Active
Sqft: 1444 - Acres: 0.08
$975,000 - 3 BD/2 BA
3N-SF City SE North - Pending
Sqft: 1450 - Acres: 0.16
$1,145,000 - 3 BD/4 BA
6-La Cienega Area - Active
Sqft: 3819 - Acres: 1.19
$612,815 - 3 BD/2 BA
4N-SF City Limit SWN - Active
Sqft: 1501 - Acres: 0.1
$720,675 - 3 BD/3 BA
11-Hwy 14/CR 42 E - Active
Sqft: 2455 - Acres: 0.16
$2,100,000 - 3 BD/3 BA
1-SF City Limits NE - Active
Sqft: 2575 - Acres: 0.22
$239,000 - 3 BD/2 BA
29-Cochiti/P. Blanca - Active
Sqft: 1168 - Acres: 0.14
$470,000 - 3 BD/2 BA
70-Taos and Environ - Active
Sqft: 1406 - Acres: 0.31
$465,000 - 3 BD/2 BA
13-Airport Road Area - Pending No Showings
Sqft: 1377 - Acres: 0.12
$550,000 - 3 BD/2 BA
4S-SF City Limit SWS - Active
Sqft: 1755 - Acres: 0.15
$1,025,000 - 3 BD/3 BA
60-Quemazon - Active
Sqft: 3280 - Acres: 0.81
$543,000 - 3 BD/2 BA
3N-SF City SE North - Active
Sqft: 1943 - Acres: 0.14
$1,175,000 - 3 BD/2 BA
25N- NW Quadrant-N - Active
Sqft: 2631 - Acres: 1.41
$2,300,000 - 3 BD/4 BA
24-Las Campanas - Active
Sqft: 4076 - Acres: 0.92
$215,000 - 3 BD/1 BA
28-San Miguel Cnty - Pending No Showings
Sqft: 1333 - Acres: 1
$75,000 - 3 BD/1 BA
101-Rio Arriba/Other - Active
Sqft: 1170 - Acres: 0.71
$465,000 - 3 BD/2 BA
13-Airport Road Area - Active
Sqft: 1458 - Acres: 0.17
$387,612 - 3 BD/2 BA
51-Eastern Area - Active
Sqft: 1172 - Acres: 0.05
$2,195,000 - 3 BD/4 BA
3N-SF City SE North - Active
Sqft: 4384 - Acres: 0.18
$675,000 - 3 BD/2 BA
4S-SF City Limit SWS - Active
Sqft: 1732 - Acres: 0.52
$365,000 - 3 BD/2 BA
4S-SF City Limit SWS - Pending
Sqft: 1204 - Acres: 0.16